KCコンサルティング・サービス(KCCS)は、後述の分野をはじめとする、⽇印の ビジネス、学界のイニシアチブのための代表的サービスプロバイダーであり、ワン ストップのソリューション・プロバイダーです。
ISO Certificate
“INDIA is incomplete without Japan. Japan is incomplete without India”
❖ ⽇本はずっと、エンジニアリングと製造業に強みを持つアジアの⼤国とあ
❖ 国内総⽣産では、⽇本はアメリカに続く世界第⼆位です。
❖ 世界における国の重要性も⽇本語の重要性を⽣み出しています。
❖ 世界で1億4千万⼈というかなりの数の⼈が⽇本語の話者です。⽇本語を学ぶ
8 Years of Consistent Performance in INDO-JAPAN Collaborations
Launching Gemba Toastmasters Bilingual Club
We are happy to share with you that KCCS registered with Toastmasters International, for communication, leadership, and public speaking development through KCCS Gemba Bilingual Toastmasters Club, the first Japanese English Bilingual Club in Tamilnadu. Join Now.
Watch our founder KK sir’s interview in,
What Alumni Say About Us
KCCS is one of the unique Japanese school in Chennai and is not only teaching the Japanese language, but they also arrange many job opportunities for the students. Many students are placed in the IT and automobile sectors. I thank KCCS for providing me great opportunities.
Fujitsu India
I joined KCCS in 2015 and completed my JLPT level N3. I received a lot of mentoring from KK San. Got an opportunity to work with Mitsuba Sical India Pvt Ltd as a Japanese Language Interpreter, post which am posted in Japan to work as a project coordinator with a manufacturing company. Wishing KK San all success for his future endeavors.
Mitsuba Sical India Pvt Ltd
The teachers in KCCS had supported me a lot both in studies and as well as getting a job in Japanese companies. Because of my teachers now I have cleared 2 levels of Japanese and I am going to appear for the 3 rd level this December. KCCS is a wonderful platform for making our dreams true. After starting to learn Japanese I had improved a lot and will be improving a lot more…
Gowtham Costro
JLPT N2 Certified. Unitas, Kofu, Japan
KCCS is the place where they not only teach the language, but also the importance of Japanese culture. By learning that you learn the depth of the language. KCCS holds a major contribution to my growth as a person. It gave me the opportunity not only to learn, but also to teach Japanese. I learned more when I began to teach. They gave me opportunities to acquaint with the native language speakers to interact with them without any fear or hesitation.
Associate Lecturer, Foreign Language Studies, SRM University
Most people study Japanese and look out for corresponding jobs. Luckily I have been offered a job in Japan and asked to study Japanese, that’s how I got introduced to KK san. Though I studied at KCCS for a short period of time, I understood the importance and intensity of the Japanese language and the credit goes to KK san for feeding fruitful information over the crash course. Other than career point of view, learning Japanese has been a wonderful experience and I have always been proud of being a part of KCCS.
Amita machines, Japan